Together, we can create a brighter, healthier future for all Americans
Your support can transform and democratize access to healthcare services, making a difference in the lives of countless families experiencing unexpected emergencies. Our vision is to make healthcare affordable for all, and your generosity will help us make it a reality.

Join us today in supporting affordable healthcare by donating to Centaur Health.
Access to healthcare is
a fundamental right for all
At Centaur Health, we believe that everyone deserves affordable access to healthcare.
As a 501(c)3 charitable nonprofit fintech organization, our mission is to alleviate healthcare affordability challenges for underprivileged communities across the US by making medical bill payments a more compassionate and accessible process.
The reality is stark - about 17.8% of Americans have medical debt in collections, and many lack emergency funds for medical expenses.
To combat this, Centaur Health provides 12-month low-interest small-dollar loans, enabling individuals to meet their obligations towards healthcare providers without resorting to predatory lending or accruing credit card debt.
By offering debt forgiveness when circumstances worsen, we strive to protect and rebuild our beneficiaries' credit scores.
Traditional credit scoring often limits access to affordable financing. At Centaur Health, we make data-driven decisions based on individual affordability, increasing support chances for those with thin or no credit files.
By donating to Centaur Health, you can make a lasting impact for:

By providing affordable financing options, you help them ease their financial hardship and empower them to rebuild their credit score.

Excess funds are used to write off beneficiaries' debts, fostering a healthier society unafraid to seek medical advice and care.

You receive tax benefits and contribute to ESG-focused activities, supporting SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), and SDG 10 (Reduce Inequalities).